Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Agenda: Create a recreational atmosphere 
that embraces the fragments of a changing culture, 
cross breeding, and an exaggerated hierarchy. 
Push the limits of a recreational space that serves 
several functions.

The 21st century man wakes up, takes ten steps to the bathroom, relieves himself, takes eighteen steps to the kitchen, eats breakfast, takes twenty-two steps to his office, sits down at his desk and works. He finds himself living and working together. He desires a destination so he goes out for activity to the city center, the stadium complex, what used to be the intersection of major parts of the city and host to citywide events has been built up to an ever-changing architectural reminder of changing culture. It is not what he thinks of as stadium. It is not a complete entity, which is entered, that serves different functions but rather made up of parts, which are brought out, that can be reorganized and altered to serve culture on several levels. Disjunctions are emphasized and deemphasized to create new compositions of seating, viewing, and circulating. He emerges into the stadium complex from public transportation, the extensions of the complex, to find himself choosing from different twenty-four hour activities including sporting events, concerts, restaurants, stores, gyms, daycares, cinemas, and community centers. The family goes there to spend time together, the couple to retreat, the woman with her friends, and the bachelor on the hunt. It is a conglomeration of activities that inform each other and continually shape/fill the spaces in and out of the stadium complex. Uses and events are mixed and juxtaposed to reveal new orders and unthought-of combinations. It is a breeding ground for fragments of the future.